00:02:00 - 00:18:06
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated)
"I absolutely loved animating Songbird, with a fantastic rig and, being visually impressive. Here Booker has fallen from a Skyrail towards the faux-ocean of Battleship Bay with Songbird in furious pursuit. Booker is then pinned under the water while the pressure starts to crack Songbirds eye lens. It was important to frame and capture the fluid wing flapping underwater as he struggles."
00:18:06 - 00:22:06
Prey - Arkane Studios: (Hand Animated)
"I animated several of the weapon pickups and malfunctions in Prey.Here you're seeing the Q-Beam pickup, the powerful laser weapon in Prey. The 'aim' (no pun intended!) was have this feel as heavy as possible, with the camera shake and jostle of the ammo canisters."
00:22:06 - 00:32:01
Prey - Arkane Studios: (Hand Animated)
"A couple of the weapon malfunctions. The rigs were surprisingly robust, with clamps, tubes, bracing and of course ammo all rigged and ready to animate. Creatively I was free to come up with the malfunctions as they made sense, from an ammo canister on the Q-Beam popping during heavy firing, to the Toygun ammo not clearing the breach."
00:32:01 - 00:53:03
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated/Mocap Cleanup, Liz and Booker Only)
"Now recovered from the encounter with Songbird in the waters of Battleship Bay, Booker seeks out Elizabeth,
enjoying her freedom for the first time in her life. I animated the visemes, phonemes, ponytail and skirt before
being alerted to the fact FaceFX and physics would actually be used. While Liz's performance was delivered as mocap, as with a lot of the takes throughout the game, IG didn't want to reshoot, so I was required to take out entire sections of the raw data and hand animated in the requested changes to the performance."
00:53:03 - 00:57:01
Battleborn - Gearbox Software: (Hand Animated)
"Here's Ernest from Battleborn, a grizzled war veteran back to fight the Varelsi. Players could select from a variety of Taunts to use in battle, and here we have one well suited for him. I enjoyed that the game was a mix of realistic motion with a touch of cartoon exaggeration where appropriate."
00:57:01 - 01:05:01
Battleborn - Gearbox Software: (Hand Animated)
"The Varelsi were the alien antagonists in Battleborn. The Kunni seen here is a large and powerful, Predator influenced warrior, with a heavy pulse cannon and massive two-handed sword. A small homage to the Arnold classic, Conan, fluid
twirling of the double-bladed sword, contrasted by a strong, unmoving finishing pose was an easy choice to sell his capability."
01:05:01 - 01:08:11
Prey - Arkane Studios: (Hand Animated)
"When the player managed to stun an alien, he could 'execute' a fatality. Here's a wrench fatality on the mimic which, as I was animating without it's oozing black material, is actually pretty cute! The focus was getting some fluid and clear tentacle thrashing, along with selling the heavy stomp by the player which involved a little bit of squash and stretch to exaggerate the effect."
01:08:11 - 01:11:17
Prey - Arkane Studios: (Hand Animated)
"As with the the Mimic, the player could could stun and execute the larger Phantom, which I think I may have accomplished 'once' during my 50+ hour playthrough! Pretty straight forward, here we wanted the wrench to get stuck in the oozing mass so the player could yank the Phantom around before tossing him aside."
01:11:17 - 01:24:16
Prey - Arkane Studios: (Hand Animated)
"The tendrils for the Phantom were animated strictly with forward kinematics (spline) without any additional tools to help in creating the snaking and intelligent movement. The idea for the performance was to treat the ends of each tendril as 'sentient' as it examined the environment around it, while still maintaining the snaking and undulating movement behind it which meant no arbitrary 'flopping'; movement forward and back was intentional. Suffice it to say these were extraordinarily challenging."
01:24:16 - 01:46:26
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated/Mocap Cleanup, Booker, Daisy and Guard Only)
"As mentioned earlier with the dancing sequence, Daisy's performance was delivered as mocap and I was required to take out sections of the raw data and hand animate in the requested changes. In this instance, the animation lead wanted to push her performance a bit more with head and upper body gestures which I layered in. Beyond this, I animated her facial expressions and saccades, and the mouth was FaceFx. Additionally the camera motion was animated to appear he's being held and roughed around by the guard standing to the left."
01:46:26 - 01:49:17
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated)
"Animating the Handyman was quite the treat. Being given the chance to build a foundational animation for a major character was very flattering. Here just a massive, lumbering gait. Note the loop-hitch is only in the video I still have available. The walk is most assuredly clean in-game!
01:49:17 - 01:58:00
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated)
"An environmental-detail animation of a beggar slumping to the ground. These are among my favorite types of sequences to animate for the very fact they are otherwise mundane. The acting and attention to detail are crucial to create interest, and feel reasonably authentic. I did a large handful of these, including Elizabeth's environmental interactions while the player explored Columbia with her."
01:58:00 - 02:01:25
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated)
"One of several first person fatalities with the Skyhook. Again rather straightforward with the clear intent of being rather violent."
02:01:25 - 02:09:10
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated)
"Here we have a first person sequence from the beginning of the game, when Booker begins his ascent to Columbia. As with many of the first person animations, I wanted to capture the feeling of weight and connection with the environment, as if the player were actually sitting in the chair in this example. I enjoy these sequences quite a bit and did a fair share in Bioshock."
02:09:10 - 02:17:10
Battleborn - Gearbox Software: (Hand Animated)
"Here we have our Kunni warrior walk cycle. I was required to make his entire animset as aggressive and relentless as possible."
02:17:10 - 02:41:22
Bioshock Infinite - Irrational Games: (Hand Animated/Mocap Cleanup, Comstock, Liz and Sponge Only)
"As with the earlier mocap cleans with layered and added hand animation, I had to have Comstock interact with the Basin, sponge and Liz. From 02:22:15 where he "...rained fire on you from above", I almost completely hand animated that section right up to just before he grabs Liz. We really wanted to punctuate his speech with bombastic gestures without having to reshoot. Finally, at the end, the struggle between Comstock and Liz required they be touching, and the motion then needed to sync up cleanly as they pushed and pulled. Oh and the sponge wasn't mocapped...all hand animated..."
02:41:22 - 02:44:18
Guilty Party - Disney: (Hand Animated)
"Just something fun to end on. I love animating cartoon characters, especially when I get to animate facials to fun dialog"
"Thank you for watching and reading!"
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